February 27, 2020

By Bill Pumford, Image from Russ Keller Collection
VALLEY OF ENCHANTMENT LODGE: This week’s image is a photo of the Valley of Enchantment Lodge located on Waters Drive in VOE. The facility was originally built as a family home in the late 1940’s by Henry and Hannah Krause. Over time the building was converted into a restaurant, bar, and dance floor. It became a very popular place to eat, as well as providing meeting space for local civic groups such as the Crest Forest Women’s Club and the American Legion. Hannah Krause was very active in the local community including the Crest Forest P.T.A. In 1947 the Lodge offered a lounge and a choice of inside or patio dining. The menu featured a choice of charcoal broiled steaks for $2.25 or $2.50 and southern fried chicken for $2.00. In 1949 the newspaper reported that the Lodge had one gaming machine. Of course, in 1949 nearly every commercial venture in Crestline had gaming machines. In August of 1953 the Enchantment Lodge opened a cocktail lounge and in 1954 a permit for dancing was granted. By 1962 the cocktail lounge had become very popular and the guests were entertained with live music. During the summer season the restaurant was open daily whereas the restaurant was only open on weekends during the winter season, and a salad bar had been added. In 1966 Hannah Krause was tragically killed in an automobile accident on Highway 18 when her car went off the road 200 feet down a cliff; she was 61 years old. In 1977 Arleva Linker and John Beavor acquired the Enchantment Lodge. In 1989 the property was sold to William Bohlin. In the early 1990’s the Enchantment Lodge, along with the Crest Forest Firefighters Association, sponsored the Alisa Ruch Burn Foundation Adult Tricycle Races. Recently the building has been the site of a church and a private residence.