November 28, 2019

By Laura Sharp, Image from Pine View Lodge archives
ARROWHEAD MUSIC CAMP AT PINE VIEW LODGE: Nestled in the trees off Hwy. 189 near Blue Jay, ghostly remnants of our mountain history lie mostly unnoticed. In 1917, Pacific Electric Camp opened as an employee resort to immediate success. Four months each year the camp, complete with Social Hostess, offered a wholesome restful retreat where employees could take their well-earned vacation periods at a cost affordable to all. To this day much of the rockwork from the main recreation building remains including the fireplace and stairs. In 1942, Pacific Electric sold the camp to Leonard “Skipper” and Margery Steimle. At that time the camp consisted of 40 cabins, the main lodge, a swimming pool, and several outbuildings on 20 wooded acres. The new camp, briefly named “Beverly Pines,” was quickly renamed “Pine View Lodge.” Their slogan was “Families with Children Preferred.” Skipper Steimle, previously an instructor at Beverly Hills High School, was a Scoutmaster and had formerly directed another private camp. Pine View Lodge became a music camp for six weeks during the summers of 1948 through 1950. This week’s image is of a 1948 free concert held at “Arrowhead Music Camp.” Serious young musicians selected by Steimle were treated to practicing sections under the direction of noted guest conductors on the beautiful wooded grounds. Accomplished staff assisted Steimle in directing the whirlwind week in preparation for a Sunday concert in the music bowl above the camp. “Symphonies ‘Neath The Pines” featured a distinguished conductor each week, as parents, locals, and tourists were treated to a free concert by the talented musicians.
I would love to find where off of 189 this is so we can go visit the ruins! Any info would be helpful!! Thanks so much!!!