August 15, 2019

By Bill Pumford, Image from ROWHS Collection
This week’s image is a photo of our local Arrowhead Queen. As in years past the Rim of the World Historical Society is sponsoring two special tours on the Arrowhead Queen this summer. The popular tours are scheduled for Saturday August 17th and Saturday September 21st. What makes these tours special is that as the Queen makes the cruise around Lake Arrowhead historical narrations are provided by our mountain experts, Russ Keller and Ralph Wagner. Russ is a noted historian who will point out all the historically significant homes and features around Lake Arrowhead such as the Doheny estate and the homes of Mike Connors and John Hillerman. Ralph is a noted hydrologist who will address the history of Lake Arrowhead from the 1920’s, including the original plans for the reservoir and the tunnel designs which involved the numerous organizations that have owned the Lake and Village. The tour of Lake Arrowhead takes about an hour.
The Arrowhead Queen is some 50 years old, but she underwent an extensive renovation in 1991 and looks pretty good for her age. She seats around 60 people and is a pleasure to ride in.