July 23, 2020

Contributed by Larry Steimle, Image from Larry Steimle Collection
FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN PREFERRED: In January 1942 Leonard “Skipper” and Margery Steimle purchased Pacific Electric Company’s employee vacation camp near Blue Jay. Larry Steimle, Skipper’s son, writes, “The original name chosen for the new camp was Beverly Pines. Dad had taught for several years at Beverly Hills High School. Around 1944 the name was changed to Pine View Lodge, by which it was known until our father died in 1974.” It boasted some 40 cabins, a lodge, heated swimming pool and several outbuildings. The lodge was located on a beautifully wooded 20 acres between Blue Jay and Agua Fria on Highway 189. Their slogan was “Families With Children Preferred,” which is displayed on the sign featured as this week’s image. The Lodge was usually open year-round “for outings and vacations.” It was advertised as friendly, quiet and restful. The housekeeping cabins featured a kitchen, a bedroom, with each having its own “path.” During the summer the camp came to life. A typical weekly summer activity program featured schedules for family swimming and lessons, archery lessons, movies, volleyball and hikes. Sunday activities included church services. Horseback riding was available as well nearby ice skating. Additional opportunities for fun included badminton, shuffleboard, horseshoes and a pool table. Evenings around the campfire might feature corn and wiener roasts. At the end of the list was maybe the best activity of all: “Lots of Loafing.” Larry concludes, “After my father passed away the lodge never operated again. Most everything is gone now. All that remains is the lodge’s fireplace and chimney, remnants of the fire ring, and acres of magnificent trees. Pine View was an unusual resort…made so by two special, energetic and talented people who encouraged their four children to get involved. If you are one of the many who remember the Steimles and Pine View Lodge, we would love to hear from you.” You may email Larry at lawrencesteimle@gmail.com