By Tom Powell – Guest Columnist, Image from Rhea-Frances Tetley


This is a continuation of the Crest Forest Historical Society story from last week. After a time, the society meetings shifted from Rim Lanes Bowling to the Presbyterian Church on Lake Drive in Crestline, and then by 1988 the meetings were being held in the Crest Forest Senior Center which charged the society $20 per meeting. In 1987 the charter dinner of the historical society was held at the Valley of Enchantment Lodge and members could pay $1 to become charter members. Full memberships at this time cost $6 per year. Meetings were held monthly and included guest speakers like Pauliena LaFuze, Tom Core, and Audrey McKay, and Christmas dinners always included a special speaker. There was a monthly newsletter which was mailed to all members and discussed such things as local events, guest speakers, and the new Board of Directors. Money for the historical society was also raised by selling such things as t-shirts, visors, bumper stickers and hats. This week’s image is the front of one of the t-shirts. During the beginnings of the historical society a lot of material was collected from local residents who wanted to preserve history. Enough was accumulated that a unit at Mountain Storage had to be rented. The historical society displayed some items in the Crestline Post Office and the Lake Arrowhead Children’s Museum. At the end of 1988 Judge David Press married Bonnie and me. I served as president for about 12 years and was succeeded by Roger Hatheway. In 1997 the historical society became the Rim of the World Historical Society (ROWHS). During my time on the Board of Directors the society membership reached about 125 people. It is encouraging to see that membership these days is well over 300 members.

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