The Rim of the World Historical Society Museum is closed for the season.

We are also currently working on updating our website and museum exhibits.


– Access to Tunnel Tour Tickets
– Discount on selected gift store items

Annual Family Membership available for $35 per year

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Membership 1 Year:

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Mountain Mileposts

Learn more about our Mountain now by reading our Historical column archive.

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Private Events

Keep the museum in mind for your event. We welcome group meetings, receptions or other gatherings when the museum is not open to the public.

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Volunteer Opportunities

If you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer a little or a lot of your time and talents, please consider joining our friendly group.

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Our Vision Our Mission

The mission of the Rim of the World Historical Society is to promote, collect, and preserve a broad knowledge of mountain history essential to a basic quality of life in an increasingly diverse society.

The vision of the Rim of the World Historical Society is to provide a permanent repository, a museum, in order to foster the education and appreciation of history in our mountain communities, and to enhance public perception of the history and culture of the San Bernardino Mountains for the enjoyment of residents today and for future generations.

The Mountain History Museum opened June 2010 in a restored county fire house in Lake Arrowhead. Under the direction of the Rim of the World Historical Society, the museum is open on weekends June through October annually. Serving multiple communities in the western San Bernardino Mountains, the exhibits and education programs keep alive the local history for residents and visitors to the scenic area.

Rim of the World Historical Society 2011 President Ron Doutt thanks NSGW Grand President David Allen after the dedication ceremony.

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